Common Core Resources

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Recently, the Common Core has been a topic of conversation, especially in the news media. What seems to be controversial are the Common Core Modules. Please note that as a District, we are not using these modules.

It doesn’t matter where you live in our country; people across our great nation are talking about the Common Core. When my husband and I dropped our daughter off at the University of Kentucky in August, we met a couple of parents from Chicago. When we exchanged information and shared with them that both my husband and I were educators, the first question they asked us was “So, how are the educators in New York adapting to the Common Core?” The Common Core is mandated, and it is changing education, and it is changing how we educate your children. The teachers and I are still learning the complexities of our new curriculum. Unfortunately, we do not have all of the answers, but we are doing everything that we can to learn it.  

In closing, I know that many of you may have questions or concerns regarding the Common Core Curriculum. I encourage you to come to any of my Principal Chats which are held the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm in our school library, prior to every PTO meeting.   We completely understand if your schedule does not allow you to stay for our PTO meeting. If by chance you cannot attend my Principal Chats, please feel free to call the school to schedule a meeting with me at your convenience. 

Please consider visiting the following websites for additional information.

For more information regarding the Common Core go to

For more information on Parent Resource go to

For more information regarding Go Math go to 

For more information on the Go Math website go to 

For more information on the Treasures English Language Arts website go to


Elizabeth M. Scaptura
Elizabeth M. Scaptura