Classroom Expectations

Expectations for Mrs. Goldwyn's Art Time:

In order to have a positive and successful art experience you must remember the following:

All Artists act
Responsible and Respectful
Toward one another and try their best!!!


If you follow these art expectations we will all have a very enjoyable art experience this year! If problems occur, the following will happen:

*You will receive 3 verbal warnings. (Just like in base ball, 3 strikes and you are out.) If the verbal warnings do not stop the misbehavior,
the following can happen:

*Your seat can be moved.
*You will not be able to create during art time (head down).

*You could be sent to the office.
*A phone call to your parents can be made.
*A conference can take place with teacher, student, principal and parent.

If there are any questions on the above expectations, please e-mail me or call the school to contact Mrs. Goldwyn.