Midterm Review


2009 Living Environment Mid-Term Review Outline
Wednesday, January 28th, 7:40 am – 10:40 am
Exam: 4 Parts-
                        Part A- all multiple choice
                        Part B- some multiple choice and some short answer
                        Part C- mostly short answer, essay
                        Part D - NYS Laboratory, short answer and multiple choice
Test questions will measure your understanding of the following key concepts discussed thus far.
I.            Scientific Method- steps and application
II.       Tools of the Biologist
A.    Microscopes- all types discussed
B.     Separation Techniques- centrifuge, chromatography, electrophoresis
III.          Diffusion and Osmosis
A.    Transport- passive and active
B.     Solutions: hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic
IV.         Life Processes
A.    Respiration, excretion, digestion, synthesis, regulation, growth, transport, and reproduction
V.          Cells
A.    Plant vs. Animal: compare and contrast
B.     Cell organelles and their function
C.     Scientists
VI.         Classification
A.    6 Kingdoms- know examples from each kingdom and characteristics
B.     Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
C.     Dichotomous Key- know how and why to use one
VII.        Mitosis
A.    Cell Cycle
B.     Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
C.     Mitosis in a plant cell vs. animal cell
D.    Onion Root Tip Class Activity
E.     Asexual Reproduction-
1.      Binary fission, budding, sporulation, vegetative propagation
-   natural vs. artificial vegetative propagation examples
     VIII.    Meiosis
A.    Stages of Meiosis I and Meiosis II
-   compare and contrast the 2 stages of meiosis
B.     Spermatogenesis
C.     Oogenesis
     IX.       Embryology and Development
A.     from Zygote to Gastrula
B.     Cleavage
C.     3 cell layers
D.    Chick embryo and membranes
E.     Human embryo and membranes
F.      External vs. Internal Development in:
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals
**3 types of mammals
1.      Monotremes
2.      Marsupials
3.      Placental
        X.        Mendelian Genetics
A.    Mendelian Genetics- Punnett square, laws of dominance, independent assortment, and segregation
B.     Forms of Incomplete Dominance
C.     Multiple alleles
D.    linkage
E.     Heredity vs. Environment- ex. Himalayan rabbit
       XI.       Modern Genetics
                        A. DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis-
1.      DNA- Replication
2.      RNA- 3 types
3.      Protein Synthesis- transcription, translation
4.      Gene mutations
5.      Karyotypes
B.     Biotechnology
1.      Inbreeding, hybridization, selective breeding
C.     Genetic Engineering-
1.      Plasmids
2.      Recombinant DNA, etc.
3. Cloning
           XII.     Laboratory questions
A.    Parts of a microscope and functions
B.     Measuring with a microscope
1.      micrometers and millimeters
C.     Protists
1.      ameba, paramecium, euglena, spirogyra
D. NYS Diffusion through a membrane
B.     Safety