
~Singing songs with your child are a great way to build and solidify early language skills! Try the ones below~

March Song

To the tune of "The ants go marching"

Let's celebrate the month of March

Hurrah, Hurrah!

The year's third month,

The month of March

Hurrah, Hurrah!

Though the winds of March may blow,

Soon we'll see the melting snow!

Like a lion it comes and a lamb it goes,

The lovely month of March!


Spring Song!

Tune: The farmer in the Dell

The flowers start to grow

The flowers start to grow.

Springtime is a merry-o.

The flowers start to grow.

The bears are waking up.

The bears are waking up.

Spring time is a merry-o.

The bears are waking up.

The geese fly home.

The geese fly home.

Springtime is a merry-o.

The geese fly home.