Reading and Writing Programs

Response to Intervention (RTI) Services are designed to provide extra support for students in need. Specific criteria is used to identify students needing RTI. These are outlined in the district's RTI plan.

Additional instruction is provided to support the regular classroom curriculum. Our goal is to provide students with the necessary skills to be successful in their classes.  Thus, our overall objective is to improve students' reading and writing skills.  Another objective is to create an environment in which each student develops an awareness of self and gains personal confidence in his or her ability to read and write. 

The opportunity to work with your child is greatly appreciated.  There is nothing more satisfying than to experience the success of our youth.  Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 535-3210 x 1718 or email me at  I am looking forward to a very successful and productive year with each student.