Medication administration in school
Please be reminded that students are not to transport or carry medications with them in school. This includes both prescription and non-prescription medications (such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.).
All medications must be brought to school by a parent/guardian, or another adult they designate. The medication will then be kept secure in the Health Office.
A doctor's order and written permission from a parent are required for medication administration in school.  Please call the health office for the recommended form.  A doctor and parent may write their own.
The exception may be an inhaler, or Epipen which the doctor feels the student needs to carry. In that case, the doctor and the parent need to provide written documentation that this is necessary. The student must be capable to carry the responsibility of caring for, and self-administering the medication.  A doctor's order and parent permission are still required.
Thank you for your attention to this very important medication policy.