Spring Poem
Some days seem like winter,
Some are nice and warm.
Rainy days and windy days,
Maybe it will storm.
Warm or cold or wet or dry,
What will the weather be?
I think Spring is trying to play
Peek-a-boo with me

Rain on the Grass
Rain on the green grass,
Rain on the tree,
Rain on the house top.
But not on me.

Planting Flowers
Planting flowers, planting flowers
In the ground, in the ground,
Water them and they grow,
Water them and they grow,
All around, all around.

Fuzzy Caterpillar
The fuzzy caterpillar curled up on a leaf.
Spun her little chrysalis and then fell fast asleep.
While she was sleeping, she dreamed that she could fly.
And later when she woke up, she was a butterfly.