All About Your Teacher

I would like to share a little bit about myself with you all.  I grew up in Waverly, with 10 brothers and sisters.  When I was in fourth grade, I decided I wanted to be a teacher.  After high school graduation, I attended Mansfield University of  PA  where I earned my undergraduate degree in 1995.  I earned my graduate degree from Elmira College in 2000.  Currently, I am in my 18th year of teaching.  I enjoy 4th graders so much, that I taught this grade all 18 years!  This is my fifth year at Elm Street School.

The most important thing in my life is my family.  I spend most of my time at home with my my children:  Austin 17, Ashleigh 16, Brady 11, and Faith 9.  Together we enjoy cheering for the Pittsburgh Steelers football team.  I also enjoy card-making, singing, playing piano, shopping, and playing board and card games.  Here are a few of my favorites:  color=green, food=pizza or pasta, movie=Tangled or anything funny, subject=math, sport=basketball, number=9.

Thank you for visiting this page and spending time getting to know me!