Class Rules

2017 - 2018 School Year

Mr. Allison’s Second Grade

Be Safe

Be Polite

Be Ready

 We use the Class DOJO to track behavior.

Parents can sign up to receive daily emails regarding green/red DOJO's.





1.     Positive phone call home.

2.     Earn free time to use computers.

3.     Invitation to have lunch with teacher.

4.     Participation in classroom games.

5.     Participation in “student appreciation” time on Fridays.


Consequences: (may not be in this order……depending on behavior)

1.     Verbal/written warning.

2.     Not participating in classroom games.

3.     Call/email to home.

4.     Meeting with an administrator.

5.     Create a behavior plan.


Homework Expectations:

1.     Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday.

2.     It is expected that homework be done completely & neatly to the best of your ability.

3.     Homework will be collected each morning and checked.

4.   Any missing work must be turned in by Friday of the current week.