Chorus Guidelines


Liberty Middle School
Chorus Guidelines
Miss. Emily Ford- Choral Director
Phone: (845) 292-5400 ext. 5114
Throughout the year we will be working on various styles of music, and preparing for concerts and performances. We will be learning about correct singing posture, breathing, and will be working on phrasing and stylizing music.
Students will be evaluated in several areas as a basis of grading. Grades are based on attendance, class participation, voice checks, concert attendance, and concert critiques.
Attendance: 40%
Participation: 10%
Voice Checks 20%
Concert attendance/ Concert critiques: 30%
*If there are no scheduled performances, the percentage for class participation and voice checks will increase.
Voice Checks
Every three or four weeks, students will be assigned into small groups and will perform their part of the music in the small groups. Students will not have to sing alone, but will have to sing in groups of 6 or more. This is a way of checking to hear the progress of learning parts and allows me to assess the growth or change of their voices.
Concert Critiques
After every concert, we will listen to our performance and write feedback, both positive and things to improve upon. Evaluation of the performance, and of oneself is extremely important for growth and development.
Concert Attendance
Students are required to attend ALL performances. Any unexcused absence from a performance will heavily affect the student’s grade. Any student that has I.S.S, or O.S.S is not permitted to attend concerts by the rules of the school, and will also receive a large deduction from the concert grade.  An excused absence (extreme emergencies) can be made up at the discretion of the director. A project or report will need to be completed in order to receive a grade for a missed performance.
Concert Dress
All Choral students are required to wear a polo shirt and black pants/ skirt and black shoes. NO FLIP FLOPS or HIGH HEELS! SKIRTS SHOULD BE BELOW THE KNEE AND BLACK STOCKINGS OR TIGHTS SHOULD BE WORN. All performance- wear needs to meet the dress code and needs to be approved by the director. If a student shows up without the proper performance attire, the student will be sent home resulting in a lowered grade.
“You’ve Been Noted”
A sheet of paper will be given to any student not following the expectations. The student will need to list the reason(s) their action is being done and what a possible solution can be done. The student will meet with me after class and we will come up with a way to make the situation improve. If a student should receive a second slip, the parents or guardians will be called and the student, parent and I will talk together about a solution. If behavior persists, the student will receive a third slip and will have afternoon detention. These slips are to notify a student that their behavior is not acceptable without calling out or embarrassing the student in front of the entire class.
5/6 Grade Chorus
There will be an extra rehearsal on Thursday after school for those students who want to be in chorus but are in band or orchestra during the day. We will rehearse separately and then put both sections of the choir together for a rehearsal and the concert.
Classroom Expectations
1.      Come in quietly and get your folder from the bin. If you have anything for me to sign, put in the appropriate folders hanging in the front of the room.
2.      Raise a closed fist if you need to use the bathroom or get a drink of water. (Students will only be allowed out once during the class period.)
3.      Raise your hand to speak or ask a question.
4.      Respect your music and always put in back neatly in the folder, and return the folder to the bin.
5.      Students are not to leave until the teacher dismisses them.
6.      Treat others the way you would like to be treated.