Important Information


Guidelines for Mrs. Campbell’s Classroom

1. Be in your assigned seat and working when the final bell rings.

2. Have your materials with you when you arrive and take them with you when you leave!

3. Be respectful of yourself, your classmates and your teacher.

4. Listen and follow directions the FIRST TIME.

5. Follow all procedures and expectations set forth by the Odessa-Montour Central School District.

6. This is a "No Whining Zone!"

Grading Policy

Grading Policy
                                                            Projects/Papers/Exams:           40%
                                                            Quizzes:                                  20%
                                                            Homework/Class Work:          25%
                                                            Participation/Warm Ups:         15% 
                                                            Total:                                       100%

Participation Grade

Students will receive a weekly participation grade. This is worth twenty points each week, and will combine with their warm up grades to make up ten percent of their grade for the marking period. This grade is based on a rubric, and takes the following into consideration: attendance and promptness, level of engagement in class, behavior, and preparation.