Monthly Newsletter

                                                April 25, 2012

Dear Parents,      


I printed the newsletters yesterday and then learned this am that the school vote will be in the Connell Building.  Therefore, the information in the printed document concerning the school vote is incorrect.  Instead of re -printing and using more paper, I am adding this correction.                                                           


        We are getting outside frequently.  Please be sure that your child has the proper footwear.  Open toed shoes, mules or jellies can be hazardous on the climbing equipment and inviting to anxious bees.  Please feel free to have your child leave a pair of sneakers here.

          During the month of May we will be working on writing and science units such as flowers, ocean, rainforest, and space.

          Our Arts Festival and school budget vote will be on May 15th.  Please come to see our art work in the hall and support our school.

We are still waiting to hear about the “official” last day of school.  I will let you know about kindergarten graduation as soon as possible.

       On Tuesday May 22nd our class will be going to Springdale Farm and the Caledonia Fish Hatchery. We will leave at 9:00, (No time for breakfast) and return to school about 1:45.  Please dress your child for the weather and apply sunscreen if it is sunny.  The kids will need to bring a bag lunch – no glass containers.  If the lunches are in bags, they will fit in my cooler.

Once again, thank you to the parents that do so much for the children – snacks, time in the room, work at home, etc.

       I still do not know the last day of school, but I will let you know when I know.

Learning continues until the end of school.  Please try to enforce bedtime even though it stays light outside and sports have begun.  Children need to be rested to be good learners and good friends in the classroom




                                                          Kathy Wesley