Check Out Procedures
Savona Elementary Library Procedures
Mrs. Nawri ~ Library Media Specialist
Mrs. Bailey ~ Library Media Assistant


The library has open check out which means students can exchange their library book as often as they want.  Students are welcome to come to the library when it opens after morning announcements. 

Class Checkout:

Students get 10-15 min. of checkout time when they come to library class or with their teacher every four school days.  If, for some reason, they do not get to check out during library class, they may come down later with a pass at their teacher’s discretion

K = 1 book for 2 weeks
1st= 1 books for 2 weeks
2nd= 2 books for 2 weeks
3rd= 2 items for 2 weeks
4th= 3 items for 2 weeks
5th= 3 items for 2 weeks
6th = 3 items for 2 weeks

Library Lessons:
Class lessons are focused on research, library, and reading skills.  Throughout the school year, classes engage in hands-on, technology integrated lesson plans to enhance their information literacy skills.