Homework Policy
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I believe homework in an essential part of a child's education. It is an extension of what is being learned in class and promotes responsibility, time management and organization. Students will record their homework assignments on an assignment sheet in class. Parents should check their child's homework and sign the sheet every night. As an incentive for completing homework we play Homeworkopoly each week. Any student who has successfully turned in homework on time will be rewarded. If a child doesn’t complete homework at least 10 minutes of recess is owed and work must be completed during that time.

Independent Reading:
1.)   Every child will be responsible for reading an independent book for 20 minutes a night. Reading more is always encouraged.
Once a book is finished an Accelerated Reader test should be taken. If there isn’t a test available a book review will be completed.
Each child is responsible for filling out a reading log that will be located in the classroom.
4.)   The expectation is that every child will earn at least 5 points every month. A reward will be given for every 6 points earned. Each additional 5 points earned after that will receive another reward.
5.)  In addition, it is extremely beneficial to your child when a parent or guardian gets involved in the reading. Some ways to read could include:
·         Independently
·         Aloud to a friend, parent, sibling etc.
·         Take turns reading a page aloud with your child.
Good luck, have fun and read, read, read!
The link below explains the importance of reading 20 minutes each night. 


Grading Scale:
Students receive a number grade (%) in math and reading on each report card. They receive 1-4 for science, social studies, writing and effort grades. I grade all quizzes and tests (unit tests count 2 times). I also grade work done in class (this is only after a sufficient amount of practice has occurred). Homework is not typically graded because I encourage parents to be involved with their child’s homework.