OneDrive Accounts
Student OneDrive accounts are now available!

OneDrive allows students to save their work at home or at school at access the data from any computer that is connected to the internet!  In addition, student accounts also allow access to online versions of Microsoft word, Excel, Powerpoint, and sevral other useful Microsoft tools.

Follow these instructions to login to your account from home.
  1. Go the website
  2. Enter the username you use to log into the computers at school (lastname-firstname), followed by
  3. Enter the password you use for the computers at school.
You should now have access to all the tools in OneDrive!
Note:  When using the online versions of word and excel, your files are automatically saved in your ondrive =)

When saving documents at school or home while using the full versions of word or excel, you need to save the document the same you would traditionally.