Important Dates


Important Dates

Tuesday, May 20th- Spring Concert 7p.m.
Tuesday, May 20th- School Budget Vote
Monday, May 26th- No School

A-Z Summer Countdown Calendar

5/15- A
Bring your favorite stuffed animal to school!
5/16- B
Blow Bubbles!
***Bring a bottle of bubbles to blow at recess!
5/19- C
Crazy Hair and Outfit Day
5/20- D
Dance Party
***Bring some of your favorite music to dance to!
5/21- E
Exercise Day
Wear your sneakers and get ready to get fit!
5/22- F
Fancy Day
Wear a fancy outfit today!
5/23- G
Game Day
*** Bring your favorite game to play at recess!
No School
5/27- H
Hat Day
***Wear your favorite hat!
5/28- I
Ice Pops
5/29- J
Jump Rope Day
***Please bring in a jump rope to share if you have one!
Kind Note Day
6/2- L
Lunch Outside
6/3- M
Make marshmallow sculptures
6/4- N
Number Game Day!
6/5- O
Out of the Building (Library Field Trip)
6/6- P
Pajama Day
6/9- Q
Quilt Day
***Bring a quilt or blanket to read on outside
6/10- R
Read your favorite book
***Bring a favorite book from home to read today!
6/11- S
Scavenger Hunt Outside!
6/12- T
Twin Day
Dress like one of your friends!
6/13- U
It’s Up to U to use Teamwork at Field Day!
6/16- V
Visit a 2nd Grade Classroom
6/17- W
Mo Willems Day
6/18- X
eXtra Recess!
6/19- Y
Yummy Snacks
***Bring a yummy, peanut free snack to share!
6/20- Z
Zoom into Summer!