Spelling Words - Remaining Lists 1
First Grade Spelling

  • Our spelling test will include 10 words chosen from the 20 listed below along with 2 challenge words, and 2 dictated sentences.
  • Please make sure you are practicing these words!
Week 1 (sh, wh) Week 2 (ch, th)
dish what bath that
shell when chat then
ship where chick this
shock who chop which
whale wish pinch with

Short Vowel Compound Words:
  • Our spelling test will include the 10 words from the list below along with 2 challenge words, and 2 dictated sentences.
  • Please make sure you are practicing these words!
Week 1
backpack eggnog
catfish hotdog
checkup into
cobweb lunchbox
desktop popcorn

  • Our spelling test will include 10 words chosen from the 20 listed below along with 2 challenge words, and 2 dictated sentences.
  • Please make sure you are practicing these words!
Week 1 (with not) Week 2 (with verbs)
aren't hasn't he's she's
can't haven't I'll they've
didn't isn't I'm we'll
don't wasn't it's you'll
hadn't won't I've you've

  • Our spelling test will include 10 words chosen from the 20 listed below along with 2 challenge words, and 2 dictated sentences.
  • Please make sure you are practicing these words!
Week 1 (-s) Week 2 (-es)
bikes flutes boxes fixes
bones keeps bunches foxes
boots rows buses kisses
calls shells classes lunches
days smiles dishes wishes

  • Our spelling test will  include the 10 words from the list below along with 2 challenge words, and 2 dictated sentences.
  • Please make sure you are practicing these words!
Week 1
fixed dropping
licked mixing
stopped planning
talked rocking
wagged wishing