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Autism Facts




Autism Facts & Stats

  • Autism now affects 1 in 54 children 
  • Over half are classified as having an intellectual disability or borderline intellectual disability
  • Boys are four times more likely to have autism than girls
  • About 40% of children with autism do not speak.
  • About 25%–30% of children with autism have some words at 12 to 18 months of age and then lose them.
  • Others might speak, but not until later in childhood
  • Autism greatly varies from person to person (no two people with autism are alike)
  • The rate of autism has steadily grown over the last twenty years
  • Comorbid conditions often associated with autism include: Fragile X, allergies, asthma, epilepsy, bowel disease, gastrointestinal/digestive disorders, persistent viral infections, PANDAS, feeding disorders, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, OCD, sensory integration dysfunction, sleeping disorders, immune disorders, autoimmune disorders, and neuroinflammation.
  • Autism is the fastest growing developmental disorder, yet most underfunded
  • Children with autism do progress – early intervention is key
  • Autism is treatable, not a hopeless condition