What will be learning this month?

We started learning multiplication and division in the middle of September, and will continue with this module throughout October.  You should have received a packet of parent notes that explain the concepts and the types of problems your child will be working on in this unit.  If you need another copy of that packet, please let me know!

We begin each math class with a 1-minute timed "sprint" to see how many problems each child can get correct (out of 20) on whichever set of multiplication facts he/she is learning.  Each child will progress through the sets of facts at their own pace.  Nightly practice of the facts will make a HUGE difference in your child mastering his/her facts and feeling successful on these sprints.  Nightly practice needn't take more than 5 minutes!  Practice in the car or while you're making dinner, use the math facts stacks, or have your child go on one of the websites below to practice!

Play games to review those important math skills!
Math Magician

Math Playground


We will be continuing our first 5-week Journeys unit.  At the end of the unit we will be assessing each student's understanding of the concepts, strategies, and grammar taught throughout the unit.

 Each Journey's unit includes:
  • Two anchor texts- these are texts we read and discuss together on the smart board- throughout the year our texts range from fiction to nonfiction to plays to poems.
  • Spelling- 14 spelling words will be assigned each Monday and we will study the pattern that links the 14 words throughout the week
  • Vocabulary- There will be eight vocabulary words introduced on Mondays and reviewed throughout the week.  These words are found in our anchor texts as well as in some of our guided reading books and students will have many opportunities to read and use these words throughout the week.
  • Grammar- there is a grammar focus for each weekly unit.  In October we will be studying common and proper nouns and plural nouns.
We are writing Personal Narratives in writing.  These are stories in which students write about a true story/important memory in a narrative format.  Narratives have characters, a setting, and a clear beginning, middle, and end.  We've read many examples of personal narrative picture books and noticed what authors do in their narratives- write interesting leads, tell the story bit-by-bit, include dialogue, and end in a way that shows the reader why that was an important story for them to share.  The children are really excited about the ideas they've chosen to write about and are enjoying getting started on these pieces.  I can't wait to see the finished products of these writing pieces and to have you get a chance to see them as well!


In third grade we talk a lot about "thinking like a scientist", which means making careful observations and recording those observations with descriptive words and pictures with labels.  

We will continue to explore rocks and minerals this month.  Students will be testing many properties of a set of 12 minerals- such as their hardness, luster, streak color, whether they are magnetic or not, etc.  

On October 26th we will be taking a field trip to Howe Caverns, where students will have an opportunity to tour the cavern and see interesting rock formations.

Social Studies-
We are continuing to learn about Kenya this month.  Students should be able to identify their own continent and country, as well as the continent of Africa and the country of Kenya on a world map.  In our study of Kenya we discuss the similarities and differences between the United States and Kenya in terms of education, food, transportation, climate, landforms, animals, language, etc.  So far, the students have really been enjoying learning about the country and culture of Kenya.

Helpful Sites:

National Geographic Kids

Time For Kids

Interactive Game to Practice Continents and Oceans