First Grade

Welcome to first grade!  We have many exciting things planned this year in music.  We plan to continue to work on hearing and showing a steady beat by using movement, rhythm instruments, a shoe, a pair of dice, mallet instruments and boomwhackers.  Some of the songs we will learn while working on steady beat are:  "Acka Backa Soda Cracker", "Keep It Steady",  "Strike Up The Rhythm Band", "Cobbler, Cobbler", "Ten Little Robots","Happy Whacks", and some others.  We will listen for a steady beat in some classical music and marches.  We will listen for different tempos (speed) that the steady beat goes.  We will also learn to read several rhythm patterns that include quarter notes, quarter rests and eight notes.

We also plan to learn a little about dynamics (volume).  Some of the songs that we will sing are: "Sing! Speak! Whisper! Shout!", "Good King Leopold", "We're Making Popcorn".  We will also listen to music to show that we hear the different dynamics in music.

 We will also learn about pitch (high or low).  Some of the songs that we will learn are:  "Little Green Frog", "Helicopter Pilot", "Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling", "Library Song", "I Can't Spell Hippopotomus" and "I Have A Little Puppy".  We will also use the bell sets to demonstrate high.