

2015-2016 Schedule

*Before the bell: The students come in and take their things out of their bag. They put their folders in the tray. They hang up their things in their cubbies. They sign up for lunch.  They go to breakfast if they need to. Then, they can do an activity until it is time for us to start the day.

*Morning Meeting:We have a variety of things that are done during this time.

-We look at how many days we have been in school and add a straw for each day.
-We tally the weather and check the temperature
-We continue the calendar pattern.
-We sing songs.
-We greet everyone for the day.
*Language Arts
      -Day 1: Art 
      -Day 2: Music
      -Day 3: Gym
      -Day 4: Computer & Library
      -Day 5: Gym
      -Day 6: Music

*Reading Groups

*Science & Social Studies