

Mrs. Lieberman's Autobigraphy to her students:

  WOW! You have signed onto my web page! Neat! Now, I guess, I should tell you a little bit about myself.
Well, I graduated from the same school as you are presently attending now! That's right! I AM a Liberty Graduate.
 I graduated Liberty in 1983 and went onto receive a Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Elementary Education and a High School English Degree from the State University of New York at Albany.I also received my Masters in Gifted and Talented Education through the College of New Rochelle.
 I have been teaching in Liberty for the past 26 years. I have taught grades 1-6.
Currently, I am the Academic Intervention Writing/Reading Teacher and an Enrichment Writing Teacher for Grades 3 and 4.

Do you want to know what I like to do when I am not teaching? Well, I love to read, write, play tennis and to travel, especially to Disney World! Mickey Mouse and I celebrate the same birthday!
 I  also enjoy spending time with my friends and family.

If you need to contact me, here is my email address: jlieberman@libertyk12.org.