Fire Safety for the Holidays

A Few Suggestions
*    Be sure to test your smoke detectors.
*    Clean the oven and stove prior to the holiday. Often the extra load on these appliances causes a fire due to the high use and extra grease build-up.
*    Keep kitchen clutter away from the stove and oven.
*    Be extra careful with matches and candles. Candles and holders should be made of flame retardant materials - look for a label stating such.
*    Avoid loose, flammable clothing. Clothing often catches on fire around candles, matches, fireplaces and stoves (both electric and gas).
*    Keep decorations away from sources of heat such as open flames, electric heaters and exposed electric bulbs.
*    Don't overload electric outlets. Inspect electrical cords and light sets. If in doubt - throw them out.

Christmas Trees
*    Keep your Christmas tree in a sturdy base filled with water and check the water level daily.
*    Spraying the Christmas tree with a flame retardant is always a good idea.
*    Make a fresh cut on the trunk of your tree and place in a sturdy holder.
*    Place the tree away from heat sources, such as fireplaces and heaters.
*    Do not use candles on or near the tree.
*    Safely dispose of your tree before it becomes dangerously dry, however never burn tree or tree parts in your fireplace.

Christmas Lights
*    Purchase only UL approved lights.
*    Check all indoor and outdoor lights for frayed cords, replace if necessary.
*    Never use lights that have an empty socket.
*    Lights should not touch combustible materials.
*    Use only outdoor lights for "outdoors"
*    Turn off all Christmas lights, prior to leaving your home or going to bed.
*    Mini lights are safest because they produce less heat.
*    Avoid using extension cords, but if you do follow instructions carefully.
*    Do not overload electrical circuits, such as wall outlets and extension cords, use a circuit strip.

Christmas Wrappings
*    Keep combustible materials away from heat sources.
*    Never burn wrappings in your fireplace.