It's a Grammar Vocabulary Thing

Subject - A word(s) that tells who or what the sentence is about.

Predicate - the part  of the sentence that tells about the subject (has the verb in it)

Noun - A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.

Common Noun - A common noun is a word that names any person, place, or thing.

table, boy, window, chair, book

Proper Noun - A proper noun is a word that names a particular (specific) person, place or thing and is always capitalized.

Mrs. Terwilliger, Newfield Central School,  Washington Monument

Pronoun- A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun.

he, she, it, I, we, they, our, her, him, them, you

Adjective - An adjective is a word that descibes a noun. Sn adjective can tell what kind, how many, or which one.

odd, strange, most, two, that, fifth

Verbs - There are 3 types of verbs

          Action Verb - An action verb is a word that shows "doing" or action

ran, jump, yell, neeze, eat

          Helping Verb - A helping verbs comes before the main (action) verb and

         helps the main verb name the action and the time the action takes


have, has, had

doe, does, did

be, am,          is, are,          was, were,          been

        can, could,          shall, should,          will, would 

may, might, must

        Linking Verb - a linking verb is a word that "links' or connects the subject

        to the words that tell about the subject 

        is, was, were, are, am

Adverb - An adverb is a word that describes action verbs

              (or an adjective or another adverb)          "ly" words

slowly, quickly, easily, loudly, steadily, quietly, beautifully, angrily, happily