Kindergarten Expectations for End of Year
End-of-the-Year Expectations 


inder garten

Fine Motor Development

§ Cutting neatly with scissors
§ Coloring neatly
§ Forming numbers & letters neatly
Work Habits
§ Listening with understanding
§ Following directions
§ Paying attention
§ Staying on task
§ Participating in lessons
§ Working without disturbing others
§ Putting forth a good effort
Personal & Social Development
§ Managing own clothing
§ All types of fasteners
Øshoelaces, zippers, buckles, snaps & buttons
§ Functioning independently
§ Staying organized
§ Being responsible
§ Maintaining self-control
§ Following classroom rules
§ Showing respect for others
§ Showing respect for property
§ Getting along with others
Math Skills
§ Rote counting, at least to 100
§ Counting at least 20 objects accurately
§ Identifying numbers to 20
§ Writing numbers to 20
§ Demonstrating patterning skills
§ Adding & subtracting with answers up to 10
§ Mastering addition & subtraction to 5
Reading & Writing Skills
§ Writing name in proper form
§ Rhyming simple words
§ Identifying letters (52)
ØUpper & lower case
§ Writing letters (52)
ØUpper & lower case
§ Know each letter’s sound (26)
§ Identifying initial sounds in words
§ Sounding out words in reading & writing
§ Identifying sight words
§ Writing missing words (CLOZE)