Math Module 1 Information Page
Now that we have reviewed finding the value of a number using manipulatives, let's move into Common Core's Module 1.  We will continue to use the Base Ten Blocks and Place Value Disks in the module to help apply our understanding of the value of a number in the Place Value chart.  Please keep in mind that we ultimately want to be able to apply our understanding of place value to the standard algorithm.
Module 1
Mathematical Concept Online Help Common Core Standards
Word Problems using a Bar Model (aka Tape Diagram) and the RDWW strategy we use in class:
ead the word problem & extract (underline) the information needed to solve the problem
Draw picture to represent the problem
Write a number sentence horizontally to represent your drawing
Write an explanation of your answer to check for reasonableness
Word Problems using a Bar Diagram & RDWW This strategy is used throughout the
Common Core curriculum to solve word problems
Lessons 1&2:  Each place on a Place Value Chart is 10 times larger than the place to the
The value of a place in digit 4.NBT.1
Lessons 1&2:  Each place on a Place Value Chart is 10 times smaller than the place to the
The value of a place in digit 4.NBT.1
Lesson 3: Write numbers in word form & standard form with the help of commas Using commas to write numbers 4.NBT.2
Lesson 4:  Using place value to write numbers in expanded form Expanded Form 4.NBT.2
Lesson 5: Using <,>,= symbols and place value to compare digits Comparing digits with place value 4.NBT.2
Lesson 6:  Finding 1, 10,or 100 thousand more or less than a given digit Number Patterns 4.NBT.2
Lesson 7:  Use a number line model to round Rounding with a number line 4.NBT.3
Lesson 8&9:  Using a number line to round to a specific place.  Remember a number line can be drawn horizontally or vertically Rounding to a specific place with a number line 4.NBT.3
Lesson 10:  Rounding with real world problems Rounding in real life 4.NBT.3
Lesson11: Using place value to understand the addition algorithm Using place value to add 4.NBT.4, 4.NBT1, 4.NBT.2, 4.OA.3
Lesson 12: Using rounding to check for reasonableness of your sum Using rounding to check answers 4.OA.3
Lesson 13: Using place value to understand the subtraction algorithm Using place value to subtract 4.NBT.4, 4.NBT1, 4.NBT.2, 4.OA.3
Lesson 14& 15:Using the bar diagram to subtract Using the bar diagram to subtract 4.OA.3
Lesson 16:  Solve two step real world word problems with bar diagram (aka tape diagram) Using the bar diagram in two step subtraction problems 4.OA.3
Lesson 17: Using a bar model to solve a comparison  word problem Using a tape diagram (aka bar model) to solve a comparative word problem 4.OA.3
Lesson 18:  Using rounding to check for reasonableness of addition word problem Using rounding to check addition 4.OA.3
Lesson 18: Using rounding to check for reasonableness of subtraction word problem Using rounding to check subtraction 4.OA.3
Lesson 19: Solve addition word problems using a variable Using variables in addition 4.OA.3
Lesson 19: Solve subtraction word problems using a variable Using variables in subtraction 4.OA.3