Parent Expectations


                           Welcome to the Instrumental Music Program at Broadway Elem.

                          Students are expected to practice 5 days a week, 20 minutes a day.

                           Parents please make sure you sign the practice sheet.

                   A.     Please help and encourage your child to practice by setting a regular

                           time and a quiet place for the student to practice daily.



                   B.     Help your student to remember his or her lesson day by checking

                          or posting the schedule so your child can see it.  Also, encourage

                          your child to put his instrument and book by his backpack  the

                          night before his or her lesson so they remember to bring them

                          to school.


                   C.   Encourage your child - tell them when they sound good or play

                          something you recognize!!!!!


                   D.   Attend all concerts. Tell your student how much you enjoyed their

                          playing and all of their hard work!!!

                   E.  Keep in mind that your child may need to change his or her instrument

                         this year, but will be expected to play for the entire school year.


                  F.      Please make sure your student is very careful 
               with his/her
No one else should play it, it should be stored

                         in a safe place, kept clean, and it should not be        
               opened or played outside.