Lesson Make-ups

Although I make every attempt to make an appointment with you and re-teach to you what you missed in your lesson, it is not always possible.  ON this page you will find ways to make up your lesson if I am not available to re-teach it to you.  In the future this can include anything from completing online rhythm and melody exercises, recording yourself doing the assigned exercises, doing listening exercises and watching videos.  Please check the assignment page as well to see what you missed during that lesson.

3rd quarter lessons:

We are back to working in your books full time now that your midterm solos are done and we aren't worried about your concert music parts -


5/6 students

Depends where you are in your books, if you miss this lesson you will have to play at least 2 exercises for me complete some online rhythm exercises.  Check back for a link and directions

7/8 students

We are back on our jazz book - learing how to improvise!  We'll be working on this in band a bit too.  The key to being able to improvise is listening to jazz music.  In addition to playing some exercises for me you will need to do some listening and then writing on what you heard.

9-12 students

We are trying to improve your technique and your reading skills in other keys and time signatures - we are jumping forward in your book and you will have some exercises to play for me if you miss this lesson.