5th Grade Extra Credit
Each marking period I will offer one opportunity for you to earn Extra credit.  These opportunities are found here!
1st quarter- Star Spangled Banner Worksheet
- See Mrs. W. for a copy.

2nd quarter- Create a portrait of a good friend or family member.  Determine what the friend will do, facial expression, clothing, location and what colors to use.  After the portrait is completed, explain what the portrait tells about your friend.  Consider making a musical portrait of the friend.  How might you represent your friend using music and/or lyrics?  Could you "show" the friend using instruments?

3rd quarter- "Beauty and the Beast" is a contemporary film version of a French fairy tale.  Use various resources to investigate the different versions of this fary tale and find the differences and similarities to the Disney film version.  Suggest changes to the song "Beauty and the Beast" based on your research. 

4th quarter- Create and eight-beat rhythm that uses at least two sixteenth-note patterns.