6th Grade Extra Credit
Each marking period I will offer one opportunity for you to earn Extra credit.  These opportunities are found here!

1st quarter- The Pumpkin Patch Story worksheet
- See Mrs. W. for a copy.

2nd quarter- In Unit 3, in the song "The Old Barn Dance", grandpa tells favorite stories to his grandchild.  Storytelling is an important part of the oral tradition, a way of passing on history and legends.  Choose a story to tell and 1.) Read the story you plan to tell several times, memorizing the main points so that you can tell it without notes; 2.) Tell the story with vocal dynamics, extression, and gestures; 3.) Practice the story before a mirror or a friend before presenting it to a larger group.

3rd quarter- Show what you know abour rhythm by composing an eight-measure piece to perform on unpitched percussion instruments.  Use syncopation, dotted quarter-eighth, and 16th-note patterns.

4th quarter- Brainstorm occupations in your neighborhood, town, or city that you would like to portray in a piece of art.  Choose an occupation to research (you may even wish to interview someone in that occupation about his/her job.)  Make a painting or drawing that you feel illustrates the main activity of that particular occupation.