Extra Credit

**All extra credit is due before the end of the marking period**

5th Grade

Marking Period 3
  • Under the 'resource' folder, you will find the 'extra credit' folder. In here you will find the worksheet on intervals. Fill this out and return it to Miss Fland. (For additional practice, go to the 'resource' folder and here you will find another interval worksheet for practice only)
  • For the Unit 3 worksheet, you can earn back some points if you correct the questions that you did not get correct and resubmit it to Miss Fland. The questions you correct will earn you back half of a point each per question.
Marking Period 4
  • Play the chromatic scale ascending and descending and/or play a song from packet 3 on the keyboard.

6th Grade

Marking Period 3
  • In Unit 3 we have been discussing different dances such as line dancing from today and the pavane from the Renaissance era. You are to pretend that you are a dance master from the Renaissance era and create a dance like the pavane that would have been done for the royal court. The dance moves CANNOT be recent. YOU HAVE TO REMAIN IN THE RENAISSANCE TIME PERIOD. Make sure to write down your steps/movements.
  • Create and write down a drumming complement that can be played to the rhythmic flow of the phrase "Mississppi mud pie, I like the mud pie." With this complement, include a part for shakere, cow bell, and double bell. When I play the rhythm to "Mississppi..." you must play each part one at a time. Below is the notation for "Mississippi mud pie, I like the mud pie."
                                                              H H H H   L    H    H     H H  L    H

H=High (Tone) L=Low (Bass)

Marking Period 4
  • Play the chromatic scale ascending and descending and/or play a song from packet 3 on the keyboard.