Center Street: 3rd Grade

What is currently going on in music?

3rd Grade:
  • We have started Recorder Karate!!! Each student will be able to test for a new "belt" after new concepts have been learned in class.
  • When it comes time to take recorders home, they must be in backpacks (its "house") with its blanket (recorder book) when it is not being played. This is a safe place and will ensure that it will not be forgotten for the next music day.
  • Students will also be using a Recorder Karate book that will contain all songs and any new concepts such as note recognition, rhythms, dynamics, etc.
  • Make sure you bring it back on the days you have music.
**Currently the students are working on ALL belts.**

*If a recorder or cleaning rod happens to break by accident, Miss Fland will have no problem replacing it. However, if the student breaks it on purpose, Miss Fland will not replace it. If Miss Fland has to tell a student more than once not to do something, i.e. play while directions are being given, Miss Fland will have the student leave the recorder in the music room until the following day.*

To practice identifying different note names, rhythms, etc., the following links may be used.

Rhythm Quiz Show
Rhythm Billionaire
Rhythm Hoop Shoot
Add It Up Rhythms
Treble Clef Notes
Treble Clef Story