In Text Citations

In Text Citations

Information in the parenthetical citation must match the entries in the list of your works cited.

For a works cited entry which:

The parenthetical citation:


begins with the last name of the author

begins with the same last name


contains only one author

use only the last name

(Smith 14-23)

contains more than one author with the same last name

add the first initial

(J. Smith 14-23) and (L. Smith 14-23)

two or three names begin the entry

give the last name of each person listed

(Smith, Adam, and Green)

more than three names

give the first author's last name followed by "et al". You may also list all four if you wish.

(Smith et al 14-23)

is listed by title (anonymous author)

use the title - shortened or in full

(Literary Marketplace)

if two or more anonymous works have the same title

add a publication fact, such as a date

(Literary Marketplace 2007)

if the list contains more than one work by the same author

add the cited title, shortened, or in full after the author's last name.

(Smith Literary)

For a printed source, give a relevant page number or numbers

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