Study Tips & Hints
Study Tips and Hints
  • Hi-light or underline key words in the directions.
  • Don't forget to reread your written work and answers.  Does it make sense?  Did you answer the question or complete the prompt? 
  • When completing comprehension questions, hi-light or underline where you found the answer to your question within the paragraph/story.  Don't forget to number your hi-lighted phrase to match each question.
  • When reading at home, read out loud with someone!  This will help improve your fluency.  Make yourself sound just like the character!
  • Look at your "Words to Learn List" every night.  Practice those words you have spelled wrong.


  • Hi-light or underline key words in the directions.
  • Be careful to see what the question is asking you to do!
  • Study your math facts every night!