Classroom rules
Classroom Expectations
Room 214
  1. Only 1 person speaks at a time.
  2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
  4. Please raise your hand to get out of your seat
  5. Use only appropriate, respectful language in the classroom, with regards to school and your classmates.
If You Choose to Not Follow the Expectations
                                    Name on board.  Warning.
                                    One check.  Noon detention in my room or in ISS.
                                    Two checks. Two Noon Detentions.
                                    Three checks.  Two Noon detentions, and a write-up.
                                    Four checks.  Noon detention for 3 days, write-up
                                                And parents are called.
Severe disruptions:  Students will be sent immediately to ISS with a write-up!
All names and checks are erased each Friday.
STUDENTS:  I have read this classroom expectations and understand it.  I will honor it while in Room 214.
PARENTS:  My child has discussed the expecations with me.  I understand it and will support it.
TEACHER:  I will be fair and consistent in administering the expectations for Room 214.
*****Please hand this form back to your teacher*****
*****It will be saved in the classroom*****
Thank you.