Homework Information

Homework Information:

Every night, your child is required to do 20 minutes of Independent Reading from the same book he/she is reading during Reader's Workshop at school. On a daily basis, we will conference with your child about his/her book, and your child will receive a grade based on this rubric.

In addition to Independent Reading, your child will have homework to complete for other subjects. Homework is meant to serve the following purposes: to reinforce/practice skills learned or reviewed in class that day, to prepare for the next day’s learning, and/or to review material for a test/quiz.

Depending on your child’s use of class work time and study hall time, it will usually not take more than 30-60 minutes to complete homework each night. If you find that your child consistently requires more time than that, please let me know, and we can discuss why this is happening and what we can do to help.

All students are expected to write all homework assignments in their planners. Planners will be checked at the end of the day by me, and are expected to be checked and signed by an adult at home. The planner can also be a great communication tool, as there is room for Parent/Teacher Comments for each day.

Here are some things you can do to help your student achieve success with homework:
• Ask if your child has homework each day, check their planner, and review their work. By asking about homework, you are helping your child remember there is an assignment and stressing the importance of this task.
• Remember that homework is your child’s work. Please help if possible, go over directions and work, but if your child has trouble with the assignment and cannot complete it, write a note telling me about the problem.
• Help set a regular homework time each day and remain as consistent as possible.
• Provide a quiet place and time to work and study.
• If you have any questions about homework, please feel free to contact me so we can discuss your concerns.

Homework is generally due the day after it is assigned, unless otherwise stated. If it is not handed in the day that it is due, it will be entered into the grade book as a zero until it is handed in. Late assignments may receive a lower grade, unless it is due to absence. If a student is unhappy with his/her grade on an assignment, they are encouraged to do corrections and hand them in as soon as possible. This will ensure that the student is thoroughly learning the material, and will help his/her grade.