
This is the website for Spanish levels 3, 4 and ACE

      ¡Hola!  Yo soy Señora Kinnetz.  I teach Spanish levels 3 and 4 at OM.  I also co-teach ACE Spanish in the Distance Learning Lab. 

This website is intended to communicate classroom expectations, provide resources to parents and students to improve Spanish abilities, and to be a communication device between school and home.

<-- Use the menu on the left to navigate your way around.

Acuerda, no tengas miedo de equivocarse en esta clase, nadie es perfecto.  Remember, don't be afraid to make mistakes in this class, no one is perfect.

“Learning a foreign language not only reveals how other societies think and feel, what they have experienced and value, and how they express themselves, it also provides a cultural mirror in which we can more clearly see out own society.”

-Chancellor Edward Lee Gorsuch