

Visit our Classroom Blog!
Updated 2/22 by Ashley Wakefield!

     Building a collaborative, caring classroom is now a grade level initiative.  Through interactive activities, the experiential learning cycle and adventure education is utilized to enhance many important skills such as collaboration, caring and tolerance, empathy, trust, problem-solving, and so much more. 
     We emphasize Character Education and the Habits of Mind of Persisting, Managing Impulsivity, Listening with Understanding and Empathy, Thinking Flexibly, Thinking About Your Thinking, Striving for Accuracy/Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision, Questioning and Posing Problems and Taking Responsible Risks. 
     Computer skills are practiced throughout the year. Keyboarding is reviewed and is utilized with other skills such as word processing which is incorporated into most subject areas.
     I look forward to a year filled with learning opportunities for your child. Your continued support of both teacher and student is appreciated and will help your child succeed!

-Mrs. Hogue