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Chemistry is the study of the structure of matter and the changes or transformations that take place in it. Learning about the makeup of substances gives us knowledge about how things go together and how they can be taken apart. Learning about changes in substances is important for several reasons: changes can be controlled to produce new materials; changes can be used to give off energy to run machines. The Mixtures and Solutions Module has four investigations that introduce students to these fundamental ideas in chemistry.


  • Gain experience with the concepts of mixture and solution.
  • Gain experience with the concepts of concentration and saturation.
  • Gain experience with the concept of chemical reaction.
  • Apply an operational definition to determine the relative concentrations of solutions.
  • Use group problem-solving techniques to plan investigations.
  • Use measurement in the context of scientific investigations.
  • Apply mathematics in the context of science.
  • Acquire vocabulary associated with chemistry and the periodic table.
  • Be introduced to the concept that all matter is made of very small particles called atoms and that atoms combine to form molecules.
  • Use scientific thinking processes to conduct investigations and build explanations: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating.