4th Grade Band
In the Horseheads School District band lessons are begun in 4th grade.  Students recieve a 30 minute band lesson once each 6 day cycle.  Please be sure your child comes prepared with their instrument, music books and yellow card.  The yellow card is your way to know the progress you child is making in mastering their instrument. Please check it regularly.  It was designed by the Intermediate instrumental teachers as a guide for progress so each elementray school in aligned with the others in our teaching and progress. 

Practice is necessary for an instrumentalist at any level but at the beginning level it is very important.  Fine muscle development of the mouth, muscle memory of fingers arms and body, technique and breathing and just some aspects that a beginner instrumentalist is learning and it takes regular practice to master.  To begin the year 10-15 minutes 5 days a week is a good start.  As the year progresses, so will the student and times will increase as they are able to physically play their instrument for longer periods of time.