At home ideas
On this page, I will be uploading ideas and links you can click (you may need to copy/paste) to find new activities...

*   Geochaching - find apps to download by using this link. If you have never heard of geocaching, it's so much fun. You a re looking for hidden treasure boxes. And, they are all over the place. But remember, when searching for geocaches, one must be as stealth as possible. :) I was just on a site that told me there are 408 near Elmira. Most apps have a free portion but may not show all of them without paying for the app.

**YouTube sites:
     * Kevin Tiller
          -lots of super seven activities (some using common household items), lots of at home fitness videos, "would you rather" videos, and "phys-ed school" depending on what equipment you have at home.
     * Ben Landers: activities and resources to stay active at home
     * Michael Ginicola
        - lots of "would you rather fitness", lots of super hero fitness videos
     * Benjamin Pirillo
         - lots of dance videos. Some are standing, and he even does several sitting in a chair! He also does cardio drumming routines. All you need is an exercise ball and 2 objects to use as drumsticks!
         - Ben also has an "Active at home" series with different games and activities you can do with various things found at home using many PE skill concepts. Most all of these activities have scoring challenges built in! 
     * Mike Morris
        - many 1 minute challenges using items found around the house
     * Cooper institute:
?         - 15 minute cardio workout
?         - 15 minute muscular strength and endourance workout
     * ?Cosmic Kids Yoga great videos for kids to follow. The story lines are defintiely geared toward younger children but the yoga stretches are great for everyone!!

***Websites:  Lots of different kids of at home challenges with video demonstrations. If you scroll to the bottom, under "Other resources" you will see that many fitness centers are now offering free memberships, classes, and other resources to help you #GetActiveStayHealthy at home during this national quarantine.
? Michael Gincola's website -  you will find various activities you can play at home as a family to keep your kids active.  Some of the activities are fitness related while others will help develop and build various skills used in physical education.