About Fifth Grade
About 5th Grade:
Mrs. Green - Social Studies, English Language Arts   jgreen@newfieldschools.org
Mrs. Thomas - Math, Science     mthomas@newfieldschools.org
We each teach Reading to our homeroom classes.
We consider fifth grade to be an important transition year as the children complete their last year in elementary school and prepare for middle school. In addition to the curriculum goals, two other important goals of fifth grade are organization and independence.

To that end, the fifth grade teachers have strived to create an organzational system for our students that allows them to stay on top of homework and function somewhat independently. The following tools are crucial for staying organized:

Assignment Binder
: This binder houses an assignment pad, a take-home folder, a pencil pouch, and folders for each subject area. Students are required to bring this binder with them to all classes, every day and they also must take this home each afternoon.

Assignment Pad: Assignments are recorded on a chart in the classroom every day. Students are required to copy their assignments in their assignment pads every day. We check every student's assignment pad every day to make sure that the assignments have been recorded correctly, and then the pad is stamped so that parents know the assignment was written correctly.  This does not mean the assignment is complete; it only means they are all set for home.

Take-Home Folder: All students are provided with a take-home folder that separates the contents into two sections: "Leave at Home" and "Bring Back." This actually helps  home-school communication if it is used correctly and consistently.  

Pencil Pouch: Students are expected to have a pencil pouch in their binders that are always stocked with necessary supplies: sharpened pencils, a hand-held pencil sharpener, a highlighter, and a glue stick. (Extra supplies are stored in the classroom.)
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