Grades in Art

At the Intermediate School, all 5th and 6th grade students receive an average in Art on their report card, for each marking period.  During their initial art classes, students are told about the four factors that impact their grades.  They are:

1) Criteria - For each art lesson, a set of criteria will be explained, posted and reviewed.  Criteria are the specific design elements, skill sets/techniques, and problem solving requirements that the students will be expected to understand, demonstrate, and successfully complete for that particular Art project.  Meeting the  criteria is the basis for the Art grade.*

2) Effort - Students are expected to put forth their best effort into each project.  This includes a willingness to explore new materials & techniques, to challenge themselves as artists & creative thinkers, and to complete their projects in a timely manner. There is a separate comment area on the report card for effort.

3) Rules - Students are expected to follow the rules of the Art room at all times.  Disruptive and inappropriate behavior can negatively impact a student's Art grade.  If a student continually breaks art room rules and/or school policies, his or her parents will be contacted.

4) Positive Attitude - Students are asked to keep a positive attitude and to always try to do their personal best in art class.  If a student has trouble with a concept, I will find a way to simplify it for them to help them succeed at the project.  Students can also demonstrate great character by encouraging, supporting, and complimenting their classmates' artistic endeavors.

*See Art Rubric in the Resources section of this website.