Tips for Parents

Top Tips for Parents

Arrival and Dismissal: School begins at 8:25. Children may arrive anytime between 8 and 8:25. Most of the buses arrive by 8:10. If your child is not riding a bus it is best to have them in our classroom by 8:15. This will give them time to get settled, sign up for lunch and begin our table activities before the bell. It makes for a smoother opening when they are not feeling rushed.

   Kindergartners walk down for the buses first at the end of the day. We leave our classroom at 2:15. If you are picking up your child you walk in the auditeria door and wait there for your child to come down. There will be a teacher in the auditeria with a clipboard. Each day you sign your child out.

Blue Notes: These are very important! Use them to communicate with me. I will need a note if your child has been absent, will be absent or has a change in their dismissal routine. You can also use them to pass on information you think I should know. Just send the note in their folder- I check the folders first thing in the morning. The children quickly learn that blue notes are important!

Communication: I value communication from home. I truly believe that we are a team...feel free to ask questions, share concerns and let me know what is working well for your child. The easiest way to contact me is through email- either through this website or at I will always let you know that I have received your email even if I can not respond immediately. I check email first thing in the morning, at lunch and at the end of the day. You can also send in a note in your child's folder or call the school and leave a message.

Dressing for school: Please dress your child in comfortable clothing for school. It is best to dress children in "play" clothes instead of "dress" clothes since the children paint, sit on the rug, play outside, go to gym, etc... If your daughter enjoys wearing skirts and dresses it works well if they wear tights or leggings underneath. Sneakers are preferred as footwear since they allow the children to be active  and work well on our slippery hallways.