
Welcome to my web page!    I am glad you are interested in Physical Education  and/or Swimming.

Make exercise and recreation a family function.

Print an exercise log from the homework page.  Record your monthly exercise.  Turn it in to Mrs. Bailey and receive credit and beads for your sneaker.


  Add physical activity in small chunks.  Our lives are busy and getting busier every day.  Take fifteen minutes to go for a walk, jump rope, ride a bike, play catch or go for a swim.  Your heart will appreciate it and so will your youth. 

  Our youth have a lot of energy.  They love to just play, laugh, and have fun.  Adults need to tap into that energy and regain some of thier youth by playing, laughing and just having fun for the fun of it.   The laundry, the dishes, the bills, and the lawn will be there....... 

I have three children of my own.  My children are young adults.    They tell detailed stories about  the awesome activities we did together and time we spent.   Our children want our time most. 

Cleaning and chores can be exerciseTry to make it fun. 

Ask your child  " What did you do in Physical Education today?"