Homework Policy

 Homework Policy


Homework Folders and Planners

Every afternoon your child will be expected to bring home their homework folder, planner, and a book to read at home. These items will need to return to school each morning with your child. Please check their folder nightly. It will have notices, forms, newsletters, and completed work along with daily homework assignments. A copy of our daily schedule can be found on the front of their homework folders.

When homework is assigned, it is expected to be returned the following day unless otherwise noted. Homework will usually be a worksheet that focuses on a skill we are working on in class. Other times it may include reading with a purpose. Reading at home on a daily basis is also expected. 

Homework Guidelines

  • I do not assign “busy work” for homework. I know how busy families already are.
  • Homework is not given on Fridays, but there may be an occasional assignment.
  • If an assignment is too difficult or confusing, jot a note on the worksheet and I can help your child with it the following day.
Homework Help Lunch

If your child does not complete their homework on time, they will be required to attend Homework Help Lunch. This is a school wide program where students can work on missing assignments while they eat their lunch. This allows students to have their unstructured free time at recess. However, if a student falls too far behind in their work, additional recess time may be required to get caught up.

***Parents: Please check your child's Communication Folder
and Planner daily!
