Environmental Science

Check this page weekly for all things ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE at Newfield High School.

What's going on this week in Environmental Science?
This week in Environmental Science, we're continuing to learn about a process that is nicknamed "fracking" (Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing).  We're approaching this unit, and its materials, with critical eyes and minds.  That is, as we learn about fracking from various media, we're also practicing our media literacy skills; not only asking questions about fracking, but about the construction of media that we're learning from as well.

We started the week by decoding print media documents from a public forum about fracking, and will conclude the week with a brief history of fracking and a few media clips from YouTube, which share some of the many perspectives involved in the fracking debate.  Eventually, students will participate in a role play activity about fracking.  They'll not only play a role in the debate, but they'll also produce media to help support their various viewpoints.   

Topics on quiz #11 include: TBA (date to be announced in class; after Spring Break)

Did you miss class this week or misplace some of your class resources? 
Check the list below to see if there's a copy here that you can print out.