General Biology
Check this website weekly for all things GENERAL BIOLOGY at Newfield High School.

What's going on in General Biology?
This week in General Biology, we're starting our Human Body Systems unit by discussing homeostasis.  Homeostasis -- or the stable, steady internal state that our organ systems are constantly working to maintain -- is a recurring theme in this unit.  Therefore, it's very important that students have a solid understanding of homeostasis and how it is maintained through feedback before we move on.  On Monday, we completed a notesheet together about homeostasis and positive and negative feedback loops.  Today, we completed a reading about homeostasis, and tomorrow we'll review these topics.  On Thursday, we'll begin talking about organ systems and the various levels of organization in the human body. 

The Human Body Systems unit is one that provides perfect opportunities for lots of demonstrations and hands-on learning...including a dissection!  It's one of my favorites to teach, and the students tend to really enjoy it too!

Topics on quiz #11 include: TBA (date to be announced in class; after Spring Break)

Did you miss class this week or misplace some of your class resources?
Check the list below to see if there's a copy here that you can print out.