Snack and Water Bottles

*Snack & Water Bottles*

     *Snack – While we don't have a whole class snack time, it’s fine for children to bring a snack to have in school. Last year I noticed that many children ate snack between 8 and 8:30 each morning, so you might want to talk with your child about eating a bigger breakfast either at home or here at school. We’ll continue to work while eating so a “quiet to eat and neat snack” would be appreciated.   
       *Water bottles – we don’t have a drinking fountain in our room like 1st grade so I encourage children to bring water bottles to school to limit the number of trips out of the room for drinks. Please send water only. Sports drinks, juice etc are very sticky when spilled on the desks or floor. The water bottle may be left in school during the week and filled each morning from our room sink or sent home daily. I’ll remind the children to bring the bottles home on Fridays to be washed over the weekend.