Think! Shake! Move!





Are you among one of the many who finds it difficult to keep up with a formal exercise routine in the spring?  Perhaps you are like a lot of parents who are in the “race and chase” mode often attending your children’s 7 day stretches of baseball/softball make-up games or 2 days a week of 3 hour-long track meets all while maintaining the home responsibilities. 


No matter what is taking up your free time, all hope is not lost.  Try not to worry about getting 30 minutes of exercise all in one shot and try to be creative about it.  You can break it up into 10 minute chunks throughout the day.  This can include three 10 minute walks during your breaks throughout your work day; a walk around the ball fields with some strengthening exercises while you are watching the game; or even a bike ride/walk around town to complete some of your errands.


Also, remember to take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator; park your car further away from the grocery store entrance and JUST MOVE!






Starting a Jogging Program


*Check with your doctor for beginning this or any other exercise program.




  • Jog in an upright position
  • Keep your head up and shoulders straight
  • Hold arms high and relaxed; move arms naturally across the body but not across the midline.
  • Take short strides with the middle of your foot striking the ground on your landing.


Shoe Selection:


  • Should have adequate cushion to help protect your bones and joints
  • Should be stable
  • Should have heels which sit perpendicular to the ground
  • Should specifically be designated as a running shoe (check with a knowledgeable sales person)